
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New Rules...What?!

I don't think if you noticed on other blogs or not but Blogger for some reason will stop any nudity from going on blogs.

For me I don't use nudity as much in my blog and the only nude pictures I used are old captions or Head Swaps that I did a long time ago, and I will gladly take them down if Blogger wants them down, I don't know if Blogger will ban any sort of Captions that might go under the sexual guidelines, I don't know If Blogger will do what Deviant Art have done to me before and delete all of my work and ban my account, I don't know if I should Stop captioning, take another long break, or find a new home but the only answer will come in March 23rd.

I don't know why this sort of guidelines were made, I thought the Internet was a free space to express yourself but I guess I was wrong as it shows that it is ruled by people who claim they defend the right to free speech but on the other hand do moves like this that stop other peoples right of free speech.

I came here to have my own blog as an advice from other captioners that this was a good and safe place to stay in my own little corner of the internet, it was hard growing a fan base in Deviant art and then loosing it with no way of being able to tell them what happened or where Ive gone and with that I lost a lot of views and followers, but I moved to Blogger and started from the bottom and now as I move closer to 2 Million views after hitting 1 Million just a month ago I'm afraid that the same thing will happen again, so I made this note in advance.

To end this long post, in general, if Blogger let me stay I will stay, and if they force me to leave I'll post on this blog or my Twitter (@AmelAnnaba) where my next step will be, I don't know any other sites that I can go to but I'll find something, and I guess this is it, have a nice Day...                 Amel1995


  1. Pretty sure I'll be bringing The Great Shift or Shaft to Tumblr. Of course, I have like... nothing but adult content there.

  2. some other bloggers are moving to wordpress. not sure how that will work but just thought I'd provide some thoughts on the matter. Hope you find a way to stay.

  3. F'ing google policy. Pretty sure this blog won't stay up too long, it is too "juicy". I do hope you find a new home, e.g. at tumblr.

    @Vivian: Can you post a link to your Tumblr site?
